a priest playing the piano

  • group of people in a small hut

Today, we average about 65 adults and children each Sunday between the two services. The congregation is a diverse assembly of families from all over the nation and the world. We worship in the Episcopal and Anglican traditions.

We Welcome Visitors. We gather in the community to worship God as revealed to us through our Lord Jesus Christ. We gather to sing God’s Praise, hear God’s Word proclaimed through the reading of scripture and sermon, offer our prayers on behalf of God’s World, and break bread with one another in the sacrament of Holy Communion. All baptized Christians are most welcome to receive Communion with us.

If it is not your practice to receive Holy Communion, you are invited to come to the altar rail for a blessing; cross your arms across your chest, and the priest will ask for God’s Blessing upon you.

As part of our ministry to children and families, we operate Sea Breeze School, a preschool program on the premises.

See our prayer services in Foster City, California.

people eating
a priest with red and white clothes
a person playing piano
people listening to the preacher
people smiling
people lining up
a person with blue clothes playing the piano
side view of the host
a person singin
people enjoying their meal
a cross on the wall
people gathering
people in white clothes
three people wearing red and yellow attire
a man preaching
a man and a child smiling
priest reading the bible
priest wearing red clothes
a group of people singin
people in front of the table
a view of the church outside
a girl playing the harp
a priest smiling
a person talkint