What Are the Different Religious Ministries?


A church is a place of worship where people sing praises, listen to God’s words, offer prayers, and receive holy communion. These are the standard practices all church-goers perform. In a religious God-centered community, serving the church is a way of giving back and expressing gratitude to God.

In any Episcopal Church, religious ministries are offered to the community where their skills, talents, and passions are in line. At St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, the following ministries are provided to all congregation members.

  • Adult Formation

    Different programs and activities such as Bible Study, Contemplative Meditation, and Lenten programs are prepared for holistic reflection and transformation.

  • Children and Youth Ministries

    Perfect for young kids and youth that will help them develop their wisdom and spiritual needs

  • Fellowship

    A time for laugher and bond among the members, where coffee hours, parish-wide dinner, regular potlucks, and outings are enjoyed

  • Outreach

    Outreach donations, raising funds, and volunteerism for good causes are the activities of service extended to others

  • Worship

    Depending on the interest, any member can volunteer to join the church choir, altar guild, or worship leaders

Joining any ministries strengthens your Christian Spirituality because you’re applying God’s words with your actions. We also offer Prayer Services in Foster City, California, since prayer is a potent weapon of protection and a source of courage.

If you’re interested in any of our ministries, please feel free to send us a message, and we’ll guide you along the way!

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