Tag Archives: Strengthen Faith


Inviting the Presence of God in Daily Lives

We all have paths to take, and whatever path we choose, having faith will always lead us to something with purpose. To some people, it takes a lifetime to see their purpose, and life can be like that. But whatever happens, having a God to believe in ...

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How to Achieve Spiritual Maturity

Achieving spiritual maturity is a goal for every Christian. However, the journey is never easy. Christianity is hard enough as it is. But just because it isn’t easy, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Nothing worth having comes easy, af...

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Why a Christian Fellowship Is Important for Your Faith

Being surrounded by like-minded people is more important than you think. People that share the same values and ideals as you help you grow as a person, especially if you are a person of faith. You can rest reassured that you can rely on these people....

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The Importance of Having Spiritual Guidance

There are many challenges and temptations brought by our fast-paced world right now. In this time where we can be easily swayed by worldly offerings, we must strengthen our Christian spirituality to stay steadfast in God’s grace. We should welcome ...

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A Life of Faith Is an Active Process

Christian Spirituality is a relationship with the spirit of Christ. We live and die for Him. Just like every relationship, our faith in Him is a constant process. We receive Him through baptism, but we nurture it every day in our lifetime. Prayers Co...

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Guiding the Youth to a Life of Faith of Meaning

Technological breakthroughs have made almost everything possible. Satellites, telephones, cars, and computers are a few discoveries we cannot imagine without in today’s times. Coupled with modernization is a threat to the younger generation. Th...

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